Monday, November 30, 2009

Why I've Been Slacking Off

If you're reading this, you either already know me or like to check up on painfully dormant blogs. In the first case, you probably know this; if not, um... surprise!

This April, I will find out, firsthand, what it's like to be a not-not-blind father.

In keeping with my tradition of not talking about my romantic life on the blog, I'll just take a moment to say that my partner in crime is going to be, to use a technical term, an awesome mom. No one worries about her ability to raise a kid. Frankly, no one worries about my abilities in that department, either. No one has even brought up the idea that being sort-of-blind might make it harder to be a parent.

There are plenty of challenges, of course. Maybe people don't mention them out of politeness, or out of fear that they might offend me. Well, I'm not afraid, and it seems well worth it to list a few potential problems I may run into:

-reading to the child at night
-teaching good eye contact without actually being able to do it myself
-communicating with a pre-verbal baby
-keeping my child safe
-and many others...

On the safety front, I'm doing what I can. I just booked an infant/child CPR class at the Red Cross, in the hopes that I'll never need to use the training. There was one line about disability on the website, basically saying that you need to contact them ahead of time, so I did. The person I spoke to told me that she would give my information to the instructors, and they would call me if they had any questions.

"Ask them to call me no matter what," I said. "There are all different kinds of blind, and there are some things I can do, and some things I'll need help with."

She was fine with that. We'll see if they actually call.

Anyway, that's the big news... As blind-related events come up, I'll actually make an effort to post them.

Oh, and about that visit to the experts: sorry. Really, Part 3 wasn't that interesting. The upshot is that, after spending six hours there, I still have to go back at some point. They need to take photos of my eyes. They say it won't take long. I haven't scheduled the appointment yet. I feel like I have better things to do.