Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Creative Solution

The FDA has approved a treatment for what I have. It's not something I'd want to pursue at this point, but that's the first time I can say anything remotely close to the previous sentence, which is pretty damn cool.

My friend Andrew, who has the same condition, pointed me to the article (short and easy to read):

Implantable Telescope for the Eye

There are several reasons this isn't something I'd jump to get. First off, after about 19 years of having the exact same quirk in my vision (namely, a blind spot), I've gotten used to it. I can't really imagine what it would be like to see big things in one eye and the whole picture in the other. I already have spotty depth perception, and this probably would exacerbate the issue. I also can't imagine having to constantly switch from one eye to the other. Plus, there are the usual risks associated with any invasive surgery, especially one that involves as sensitive an organ as the eye.

I have the luxury of what is generally functional vision, so I have the choice. There are others with much worse cases of macular degeneration who could really benefit from this. And, hey, maybe I'll opt for it at some point. It's nice to know that it's out there at all, and that people are actually working on fixing this.

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