Thursday, March 18, 2010

Just Resign

As someone who was enthusiastic about the prospect of a legally blind governor, it pains me to say it. But, really, there's no way around it now.

I believe the current count is five: that's the number of Paterson staffers who have already resigned. They include two top state police officials and his press secretary. The governor apparently has as much trouble keeping his administration intact as he does keeping friends in Albany... which is to say, he doesn't really seem capable of either.

Again, it's too bad. The fact remains that Governor Paterson is one of the only people in state government who's taking a realistic look at our budget woes. On policy, he's still very sharp. On everything else, he's a lousy executive. Either that, or the entire state apparatus has decided to frame him that way in order to distract us from the gigantic deficit that will probably lead us to the same fate as California by the end of 2012. But that just seems unlikely.

Here's the bottom line: while he stays in office, Paterson is a big shiny object that keeps the tabloids mesmerized but doesn't actually accomplish anything. If he resigns, we may finally be able to get back to the budget, for real. With the current state legislature, that seems like a bit of a pipe dream, but we're allowed to dream. This is New York, where the lights will inspire ya.

Anyway, what was I saying? Oh, right: resign. Please. Maybe the next partly blind politician will be better at the politics.

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