Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Fumbling Through the Mailbox

I've been getting some compliments lately on the post from October 22, "Yes, I'm Talking to You."

Amy was astute enough to point out, in a comment, that I'd be considered respectful in Pakistan for "averting my eyes" from elders.

The larger issue, were I to move to Pakistan (and with New York rent prices what they are, who knows?), would be the language thing.

To put it politely, I stink at other languages. I've always had a good ear for accents and such: I can speak French so well, at moments, that it impresses French people. Then they speak back to me, and I have no idea what they're saying. Most Americans could get by in France by reading signs and searching their iPhones for translations. My disadvantage in a foreign country would be considerable. Plus, there's the whole Jew thing.

So, thank you, Amy, but I think I'll stick to the Big Apple.

If you want to add your two senses. leave a comment or email me at notnotblind@hotmail.com.

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