Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Word from Our SPonsor (Me)

OK, I've committed this blog to be about the experiences/quirks of being somewhat blind. That said, I'm also a playwright, and I need all the free advertising I can get. SO here's my own little promo for an upcoming event, a reading of a comedy I wrote this summer. Please come -- it should be a lot of fun -- and I promise to get back to real posts about real not-not-blindness in the real America tomorrow.

My friends,

Please join me on Monday, November 3rd, for a unique opportunity to relax and laugh before what promises to be an exhausting Election Day.

Between a terrific director and about a dozen of the most patriotic actors we know, we will be presenting a staged reading of my latest comedy, Calling CQ. It’s a political satire that has gotten rave reviews from workshop sessions at Flux Theatre Ensemble and a production this summer at Appel Farm Arts & Music Center. The play poses the crucial question, “What if the president believed that the greatest threat to the American people was the impending invasion from Mars… and what if his administration decided to prove him right?”

It’s like Christmas Eve, except instead of opening that first present, you get to laugh at politicians, reporters, and ourselves (and drink some wine). I can’t promise you lower taxes, but I can promise a fun night of theater.

A staged reading of
a satire by Jeremy Basescu
directed by Heidi Handelsman

Monday, November 3rd @ 7:45 pm
Running time: 75 minutes
Admission: FREE (but please RSVP)

Arthur Seelen Theatre
Drama Book Shop
250 West 40th Street
between 7th and 8th Avenues

seating is limited
RSVP to CQrsvp@gmail.com

My friends, you won’t want to miss it. Be a maverick and skip out on all the cable news blabbering for one night, and come share Election Eve with us.

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